FJUF 2016 Retreat in New York City
President Vincent Han-Sun Chiang at the award ceremony with Dr. James S.C. Chao,
founder of Foremost Group, and the Honorable Elaine L. Chao, 24th U. S. Secretary of Labor.
On August 6, 2016, Fu Jen Alumni Association of Greater New York and Fu Jen University Foundation hosted a special ceremony in Flushing, NYC to honor Dr. James S.C. Chao, founder of Foremost Group, and his daughter, the Honorable Elaine L. Chao, 24th U.S. Secretary of Labor.
During the ceremony, Dr. Chao was awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Business Administration, and Secretary Chao the Outstanding Public Service Leadership Award. President Vincent Han-Sun Chiang, who presided over the event, gave a speech applauding the Chao family’s dedication to education and service.
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