Father Franz Huber Endowment Fund
Alumni of the FJCU Biology Department* are proud to announce the establishment of The Father Franz Huber Endowment Fund [扈伯爾神父永續基金] . Established in July 2022, and dedicated to the memory of Father Franz Huber, founder of the Department of Biology in 1964, the fund honors Father Huber’s lifetime devotion to Fu Jen’s advancement of biological science and research, and education.
This fund will provide a yearly distribution of 4% of the market value to support academic excellence in research, teaching, and scholarships for the Department of Life Science. The balance of the funds are applied to the principal, creating an endowment for continued growth in perpetuity.
TO SIR WITH LOVE! 影片:永懷扈伯爾神父 Watch this touching video created by the alumni Class of 1968 to appreciate their beloved Father Huber. |
第一屆全球生物系友聯名信 |
扈伯爾神父的生平小史 |
JOIN US! 願大家都能飲水思源,將一份小小的感恩回報心願,以免稅贈款方式入捐到這個由多屆系友新成立的「扈伯爾神父永續基金」,好讓扈神父那份偉大的愛、犧牲、與奉獻,能長留輔仁,代代傳承,造福輔仁。 |
Alumni Contact: 陳正道 Alex Chen, Email: fr.huberfund@fjuf.org, 生物系第一屆1968